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Meeting on March 28. Estimated presentation topics.

Since until Saturday there is not much time left to prepare, I suggest we start discussing the reports.
Personally, I am ready to speak on two topics - Android and Grails:
- I’m ready to tell about android almost anything, but since this area is unfamiliar for most, I’m ready to talk about simple things, such as writing a twitter client (UI basics, android is java, using ready-made libraries) or writing an address book / callback ( using lists, working with the database through contentResolver, using the context menu / popup menu) ... However, I am ready to listen to the wishes of the potential audience on this topic.
- About Grails, I would like to try to make a free retelling on the topic of Building Twitter with Grails in 40 minutes, as well as to talk a little about RoR / Django / etc specialists, and maybe even compare features / convenience / etc and make benchmarks;)

Write your suggestions and wishes in the comments, I will update the topic.

pleax :
if anyone is interested, I can tell you about scala and lift.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55311/

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