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NetBeans 6.5: Free and Fast IDE for PHP

Despite the fact that I have recently been programming in .NET, I recently had to work on a small PHP project. In this regard, I started searching for a convenient, but at the same time, free IDE. Of course, I am familiar with Eclipse and PHP Development Tools for Eclipse , but still I wanted to know if there are any other free programs with decent functionality. As a result, I remembered NetBeans .

Despite the fact that NetBeans is mainly known to developers using Java, recently this development environment has begun to support other programming languages, namely:

Naturally, NetBeans also supports HTML with JavaScript.
OK, but what do I mean by the support of a language? And I mean the standard set of a less decent IDE:

All this is in NetBeans. Moreover, it works great with javascript, at least compared to the aforementioned Eclipse. And it can "understand" third-party libraries, for example, jQuery.


In addition, NetBeans has tools for working with the database.

In general, there were good impressions from NetBeans, and I think this development environment should appeal to those who are used to working with Visual Studio. Compared to Eclipse, NetBeans is much faster, both in startup speed and in speed code completion.

If interested, then try it yourself .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55291/

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