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Attention! Passwords!

Many probably already know that on the night of March 21-22, free-lance.ru was exposed to a DDoS attack. There is an opinion that the hacking of the database also took place, as a result of which the entire user base “leaked” along with logins / passwords (the site administration forcibly changed passwords to all users, which suggests). Since the audience of Habra and Free-Lans.ru intersects, we do not exclude that some users have the same passwords for the accounts on both sites.

In addition, among the people registered on Habré, sadly, there are quite a lot of those who have a too simple password. This is very bad. We do everything to ensure that each user’s account is impregnable, but we cannot fully protect it if the user is obstructed by setting a password like “123456” or “qwerty”.

In this regard, we strongly recommend changing the password to your account on Habré.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55283/

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