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MTS will report on new letters on Mail.Ru

MTS subscribers using the Mail.Ru mail service can now receive SMS notifications about new letters that have arrived on their e-mail. The emergence of this free service company announced today.

To connect to the service, you need to perform the following sequence of actions: in the mail account on Mail.Ru, go to the “Settings” section, select “Notifications”, the “To mobile phone” tab, the “Edit phone list” link and specify the desired number. SMS notifications will contain a direct link to the letter in the WAP version of Mail.Ru. When accessing the mail from the phone, the traffic is paid in accordance with the chosen tariff plan.

The mode of receiving notifications is configurable. You can cancel their arrival at night by ticking the item “Do not send me notifications about new letters: from 22 to 07 o'clock”. In addition, notifications can be not received on weekends. The service operates throughout the MTS network in Russia, so setting the time zones will be useful.
“The new service further expands the possibilities of using a mobile phone in everyday life and allows MTS subscribers to always control their electronic correspondence, no matter where they are,” said Pavel Roitberg, director of product and service development at MTS OJSC.
“We are pleased that together with MTS we can offer a new convenient service for mobile Internet users,” said Anna Artamonova, marketing and PR director for Mail.Ru. “We recently launched a mobile version of our messenger Mail.Ru Agent, and we still have plans in this area.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5527/

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