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Microsoft will help find bugs in OSS

The news, which contains several ingredients in incredible combinations. Judge for yourself: Microsoft offers help in finding bugs in free software, and even developed a tool for this that is released under a free license. The giant from Redmond announced its new development on Friday at the hacker conference CanSecWest .

The program called! Exploitable Crash Analyzer (pronounced “bang exploitable crash analyzer”) is a unique tool for finding potential security holes. It is assumed that the main users will be the authors of Open Source projects, and they will test the program directly in the process of working on the project and close all the holes before the official release.

The program will soon be posted on this site . At first glance, there is no “trick” in it, except for the fact that it is likely to be published under the free license MS-PL, which is not compatible with the GPL. However, it is still a unique and useful tool. In addition, no one else understands the bugs as Microsoft does, so the program is designed, one might say, by professionals.
The consultant for the development of the exploitable! Crash Analyzer at Microsoft was Denginsky, a well-known security expert. He says that this is truly a revolutionary program that allows you to reliably filter out among thousands of bugs the most important vulnerabilities that pose a really serious security threat.

via Slashdot

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55262/

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