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Marinator - 9 minutes to barbecue


A good kebab is unthinkable without properly pickled meat. That's just how it usually happens, the decision to go to kebabs was suddenly born today, and meat, if you do everything according to your mind, will marinate not earlier than tomorrow. The real gourmets should indignantly reject the exit in the form of “trimming for the road” sets sold in stores. At least in order to save.

According to the sellers, the problem can be solved by a special kitchen gadget - the marinator. If you believe the advertising, with the help of this device, the meat is marinated for 9-10 minutes.

The marinator works like this: 2.3 kilograms of meat is put inside (pork or, for example, whole chicken). Mariands poured. After that, air is manually pumped out of the device by a special pump. On average, 10-12 strokes are required. In a rarefied atmosphere, meat is soaked several times faster. Then the timer starts and after 10 minutes the product is ready.
In addition to kebabs, it's nice to “grill” chicken wings in the marinortor, and according to reports from the forums, you can also pickle cucumbers, cabbage and cook Korean carrots.

It upsets only the price. In Moscow, they ask 75 dollars for the Chinese mariantor (I will not give the link for anti-advertising purposes) At the same time in more culinary-advanced countries, similar equipment can be bought almost twice cheaper.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55260/

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