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Financial news on stock charts

My previous discussions in the habr-community were extremely useful for the development of TIKR.ru. In the past, we discussed a stock search engine , investment portfolios , stock forecasts, and a social network for investors in shares of Russian companies.

I invite good Habra people to discuss our new functionality. The main idea is to give users the opportunity to visually display the impact of news on the change in stock price. What happened, you can see the example of the stock chart Norilsk Nickel .

For charts with stocks of Western companies, Google selects news automatically based on a citation index. There is no such thing for Russian companies. We considered that in our realities principles of projects such as digg.com and news2.ru work much better, where users themselves determine which news is more important by simple voting. Thus, the news from the "Latest" in chronological order fall into the "Current", where the order is calculated taking into account the votes of users. That's what came out of it:

Features of financial news in TIKR.ru:
- tags (tags) correspond to the names of public Russian companies
- The “Top 20” tab contains news with the highest number of votes, and it is these that are displayed on the stock chart of this company
- the user can mark news with an asterisk, which in this case fall on the schedule of the action and in the personal tab "I have marked" (similar to the "Favorites" on Habré ").

The last chip is very convenient for self-learning about what news affects the stock price - I can put and remove the asterisk from the news, depending on my subjective perception of how much the news has affected the stock.

Users can add their own news and attach their tags to charts with quotes. We also receive a stream of news from Google News, Vedomosti and SmartMoney. By the way, if you work in one of the online publications that publishes economic articles with reference to public Russian companies, please contact us - we are interested in including your articles in our news feed and in exchange provide our technology for graphical display of stock prices.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55257/

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