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Communist Loft changes the tariff schedule

Friends, two weeks after the start of the project were not in vain.
We talked to a large number of interesting companies and monitored the current rental rates for small office space.

What can I say, the conditions under which we planned the pricing in December have changed significantly. We change the tariff schedule and we.

From today, the cost of renting jobs in Communist Loft areas does not depend on the size of the company and ranges from $ 350 to $ 455 . What today is 11,500 - 15,000 p. The rate changes only depending on the term of the lease.
Detailed layout on the website: www.communist.cc/2008_12_04_archive.html
I hope we have become more adequate to the crisis conditions and closer to the people.
We are waiting for you, friends!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55251/

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