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Podcast as an audio version of an online magazine

From today, in an experimental mode, in the pages of the magazine “SchoolLife.Ru ” we began to publish podcasts created on the basis of articles.

As far as I understand, this is the first experience of such voicing of materials of regular Internet media. Although, of course, I could be wrong. Then correct.

In any case, such a bundle - text articles + audio versions of the best materials seem to me quite viable. Moreover, it seems that podcasts in this section can have a good commercial potential for many online media. These are additional advertising spaces (short audio clips inside the podcast) that can be offered to the advertiser.
Now podcasts are displayed randomly on all pages of the site , and the entire tape can be viewed on the archive page (so far only today's pilot issues).

The filling of the podcast feeds is planned to be done daily and to connect to this podcasters from different countries and cities. That is, the sound design will be one, and the voices are different.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5524/

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