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8 viral marketing rules

1. The idea must be worthy of becoming a virus. If she is not worth talking about, then no one will talk about her.

2. Identify the activity group. You will not be able to extract all the benefits from the idea of ​​the virus until you win a dominant position in the activity group.

3. Demonstrate the idea. Demonstrate the idea to the right people and do whatever is necessary so that they realize it as quickly as possible. If necessary, stimulate them financially, especially at the beginning of the process. Do not charge a fee for familiarizing yourself with the idea as long as you can do without it.

4. Think about what distributors should say. You need to think about what the distributors of the idea should say. If you do not do this, then they will decide it for you and will say nothing at all what you need, or they will not want to spend their time on it at all.

5. Provide distributors with a means to spread the virus. After you find a potential distributor, try to make it easier for him to spread the idea. Tell him how to send your idea to someone with a single click. Let him join your affiliate program for a minute or even faster. Reward the people to whom he sends the virus so that he does not feel guilty for disturbing them.

6. After the consumer has paid attention to your idea, get permission from him.
The task of the marketer, applying the idea-virus, is to spread the virus to attract attention and then establish reliable and stable contacts; This, in turn, should provide further improvement in relationships and make the spread of your virus faster and more effective.

7. Surprise your audience so that it spreads your virus and supports it in the future. Do not be greedy, the creation of a short-term virus is not the end of the process, but only its beginning.

8. Reconcile with the fact that only a few viruses exist infinitely. Understand the concept of the life cycle of the virus. Understanding the life cycle of a virus leads to an understanding of how to reduce costs.

via Seth Godin

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55238/

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