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“Personal Cabinet QIWI”, the official results of 2008.

A little bit later I post a press release on the results of the work of the QIWI Personal Cabinet.

Do not think simple copy-paste, because I still wrote it.

What have you managed to achieve?

December 2007, the QIWI Personal Cabinet loyalty program was launched for users of payment terminals. Over the past year, the program has become a full-fledged payment system and has won the recognition of millions of users.
The launch of the QIWI retail brand (QIWI) in April 2008 contributed to the increase in popularity and confidence in the QIWI Personal Cabinet. As a result, in 2008, the number of active users amounted to 3 million people , and more than 10 million registered. The number of transactions reached 170,000 per day. In total for the year of work, the turnover of the “Personal Cabinet” exceeded 9 billion rubles .

The launch of QIWI Personal Cabinet allowed us to offer users new services that previously could not be paid through instant payment terminals: repayment of bank loans, utility services, air and railway tickets, prize games, tickets for entertainment events, sale of software and PIN codes, payment for purchases in online stores and much more.

“A clear interface, a convenient notebook in which payment details are saved, the ability to use the change,“ bind ”users to the system. If earlier the user, most often, used the terminal to replenish the balance of a mobile phone by a small amount, and made large payments at the offices of providers, now, using the QIWI Personal Cabinet, the user makes all payments in one place, ”notes Andrei Popkov, project manager, "My Account".

At the moment, through the "Personal Cabinet QIWI" you can pay for goods and services from more than 500 providers and 120 online stores, including such popular resources as OZON.ru, Softkey.ru and many others.
The introduction of new services allowed to increase the turnover, increase the size of the average payment and attract new users to the QIWI payment terminals (QIWI). On the face and the trend of reducing the share of "non-cellular" payments. Currently, the share of non-cellular payments in the QIWI Personal Cabinet exceeds 40% and it continues to grow (the share of non-cellular payments in the QIWI terminals (QIWI) is about 9%). This means that the launch of the payment system has attracted users who have not previously used self-service terminals.

QIWI Personal Cabinet allows you to pay for services not only using QIWI payment terminals (QIWI), but also from a mobile phone using the QIWI in Mobile application or via the website mylk.qiwi.ru. More than 20% of total payments are made by users using the payment system site or mobile application as a payment instrument.

One of the main advantages of the “Personal Cabinet QIWI” is the possibility of an interest-free replenishment of the balance in more than 70,000 QIWI payment terminals (QIWI).

In addition to simply entering money into the payment system, there are several convenient ways to withdraw money from the system. First of all, these are 56 banks with which the system works. Funds can be transferred to your bank account or bank card. Secondly, it is the system "Contact" and its more than 4,000 points of issue of money to our users.

The QIWI Personal Account payment system has undoubtedly proved its user friendliness and commercial success: today it serves as a platform for building and developing a variety of innovative Internet and mobile commerce projects. In particular, the Mobile Payment service. The rent of one of the leading mobile operators, Beeline.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55217/

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