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Year of the youth - not so bad

Against the background of all the negativity that is happening today in government initiatives and projects (school portal, small business support, write your item here), I was surprised by what was happening. I really felt the Year of Youth program, more than that - I liked it! :)

The fact is that in my university, a conference of young scientists is held annually: students (of mine and other universities) present their work in front of the commission (who has what: who are innovative materials, who are pieces of hardware, who are soft). The commission selects interesting works and tries to beat out money from the state for students and their developments. (That, in general, is already good, even despite the fact that 60% of the “knocked out” amount - taxes, maintenance, etc., reaches the student)

This year I was lucky to be among the winners of this conference. In addition to everything else (making money, awards, etc.) we were offered to register on the site zv.innovaterussia.ru. This is where the fun begins.

zv.innovaterussia.ru is one of the sites aimed at supporting the initiative of young people in the field of innovation. Knowing what the average site from the state represents, I was not particularly tuned in to something good. But this site made me change my mind. I do not want to say that this is a masterpiece, and that all this will work flawlessly, but here you have to start:
- decent site design ( “My Account” , “Editing Project Profile” );
- a separate item - not buggy in chrome (all screenshots are made in it);
- adequate filling;
well, quite fantastic:
- ticket system for participants! (I just started the first - let's see how it actually works)

I'm just beginning to delve into the essence of this resource, but the beginning has already brought positive impressions.
What do I actually want to say? Not everything is so bad with us :)

ps - if you are interested in the topic of the Year of Youth, this site and the fate of young scientists, write about it in the comments: if you have something to write about, I will write another topic.

upd: answered at 22.10

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55195/

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