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What's in the box?

After this 9-minute video appeared on the network, many rightly wondered if this was a viral video that was timed to the release of the Half-Life movie? And there is undoubtedly a certain point in this: the short film is entirely shot in the first person; character's audio track is "missing"; the place of action is an empty European (most likely Holland) city, in the center of which is a giant tower, objectively ready to destroy all life within reach. And one more small trifle - Half-Life sound effects are used in the film, it will be easily determined by any fan of the series.

While there is no exact information, it remains only to wonder what is really in the box. On WhatsInTheBox.nl they write that soon the whole world will know the truth. I would very much like to believe that this is an early teaser for the full-length film Half-Life, which has been rumored for a long time.
PS Hovering the cursor on the box, everything on the site not only blinks bloody - many (including me) immediately pay attention to question marks that light up instead of some letters. Hoping for a miracle - I tried to write them all out and make something more or less meaningful, unfortunately - in vain.

UPD : H.T.D.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55182/

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