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Network infrastructure: AS, PI, LIR and other goodies. :)

I did not find a distinct RIPE cuisine on Habré, so I’m writing it myself :)

Here I will try (briefly) to tell how the Internet works :)
And what bonuses can the enterprise network administrator, hoster or ISP can extract from this?

To begin with - treminology.

IANA - Internet Address Space Administration. Deals with AS numbers and IP addresses globally. Assigns RIR, reports directly to ICANN. She is so alone and in this article she does not interest us.

RIR - Regional Internet Registry. Engaged in the allocation of large blocks of addresses, the registration of LIR and distribution of AS. Russia is located in the RIPE NCC jurisdiction located in Amsterdam.

LIR - Local Internet Registry. Engaged in the support of the network, the distribution of PI (about them later) and AS numbers. Typically, this is an ISP. The minimum address space block for LIR is 4096 IP addresses.

AS - Autonomous system. It contains the address space (IP-addresses), has a unique ASN - number that allows you to uniquely identify AS on the Internet. The AS number is a key part of routing.

PI - Provider Independent. Provider-independent IP addresses. Located in a specific AS, the route to them depends only on the routing policy. Belong to the end user [of the company or LIR], and not to its higher provider. Consequently, they are saved when changing ISP \ connecting additional ISP.

Space allocation path:

ICANN-IANA -> RIR -> LIR (-> end-user) [-> PI-owner -> end-user].

Let us dwell in more detail on each of the points we are interested in.


RIR - Regional Internet Registry, a regional Internet registry. There are five of them - RIPE for Europe and the Middle East, ARIN for North America, APNIC for Asia and the Pacific, LANIC for Latin America and AfriNIC for Africa.

RIR status is assigned to IANA and it is not possible to become an RIR for an organization.

RIRs deal with address allocation, LIR registration, statistics, and dispute resolution. These are non-profit organizations, they do not sell anything. However, each LIR pays membership fees (calculated based on network size) in the RIR. RIRs do not work with end users and individuals.

RIR map by region:



LIR - Local Internet Registry, local Internet registry.

LIRs are divided into categories based on network size. There are 5 categories in total - Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and Extra Small. Categories are dependent on size and several other factors, and are assigned by the RIR itself.

In Russia, there are 3 Extra Large, 20 Large and several hundred Medium \ Small \ ESmall LIR.

LIR pays membership fees to the RIR. They are not large and are calculated based on the LIR class. For RIPE, this is € 1,300 per year for Extra Small and € 5,500 per year for Extra Large.

LIR has a minimum of 1 ASN and a minimum of 4096 IP addresses.

LIR has the right to allocate (Sub-Allocated) or sell ASN and IP / PI to its customers (Provider Aggregatable, PA. All network users who have a “white” IP address have such addresses). Also, LIR can be an intermediary between the end user and the RIPE (for example, in the AS \ PI \ LIR registration situation).

As a rule, large networkers (providers, data centers, recorders, etc.) have LIR status. Ordinary organization, 99.9% of cases, this is not necessary.

Autonomous systems.

AS - Autonomous System, autonomous system.

The AS has its own sequence number, ASN, which is used in the BGP dynamic routing protocol. All IP addresses are assigned to some AS.

There are 4 types of AS:


multihomed: having 2 or more uplinks.
stub: having 1 uplink.
transit: transit, passing through the traffic of other AS.


“Private” AS, numbers from 64512 to 65534, used for intranet needs, tests and training ( similar to “private” IP addresses, such as ).

"Life" AS is governed by the standard RFC 1930 .

If anyone is interested, then there is a list of all issued ASNs .

And here you can find the AS number by IP address, the identity of this AS and its uplink.

PI addresses.

PI - Provider Independed, provider-independent IP addresses. Unlike PA and SUB-ALLOCATED IP addresses, this address space belongs to the person who received it, not its ISP. You can use it as you like, change ISPs without changing addresses, connect to 2m or more ISPs by creating your own multihomed AS and routing policies (for example, it will be included in Internet eXchange and receive local traffic cheaper than your operator sells).

Registration issues.

To register AS and PI there is no need to become LIR. For this you need:

HostingConsult, for example, charges for registration PI 8 000 rubles. one time

Or, become a LIR yourself:

How to become a LIR.

This can be done both independently and through an intermediary (your ISP, consultant (for example, RIPN) - nic.ru). Consultants, of course, do not work for free - 5500 for registration for the same Hosting Consult.

If someone has any questions, he is ready to answer them in the comments. :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55181/

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