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The opus about the family of jacks or why everything is bad in Russia

Let's look at the country from the point of view of the absence of history, that is, we are not going to look into the historical significance of the great period of old-timeness (for those who are especially gifted, let's say that this is the period from the 70s), since we’ll devote more than one section to this our times

So, everything starts with a family, and we conditionally divide families into two groups - the well-to-do (No. 1) and, accordingly, the not-secured (No. 2). (START)

Let's look at the family (No. 1) how does a child develop in such a family, basically everything goes according to such a scheme, although deviations from it are possible, the child is a holy being who should have everything, but it starts, and it’s not about - either the material values, the author is absolutely not interested in, the child goes to the elite kindergarten, receiving education from the governess who consider themselves to be great nannies, although naturally these are not, so the first departure of the child from reality begins and his consciousness is formed , that is, already at this age, a child is dressed in a veil protecting him from reality, and so every day a child passes through the streets looking at McDonald's signs - freedom in potatoes, begins to receive that charge for the future development of old-age of the fulfilled duty goes to school (of course private), there the child continues to be brainwashed with openwork, beautiful slogans written by some dawn boy in honor of the action come up with a slogan to get an alarm clock.
But 10 years later, adult life comes to the child and he considers himself to be the smartest around (interestingly, you can say to yourself that it is worse than Vasya Pupkin) and begins his journey to old age. I specifically missed the part that describes school education; it will be a different story.

So this cheddork father comes from the nearest State Duma (do not forget, there are exceptions in life) at Moscow State University. author Mtsyri, and then the worst begins. Remember what you did in this beautiful period of life. Of course, they sat at the desk, hoping that all this would end as soon as possible, and then they would run, singing along - Lots of heifers and beer, - Lots of heifers and beer, - Lots of heifers and beer.

And no one in principle at this stage of life was interested in the basis of what he should have learned at his desk, and do not say that you had such a subject as an introduction to a specialty, and here it is not even about what needs to be removed - Many heifers and Beer - Lots of heifers and beer - Lots of heifers and beer - Lots of heifers and beer ----- it must necessarily be just to start from the roots, and to study them you should not take the closest history textbook for grade 10, meaning ? After all, they were written by the same people running with thoughts - Lots of heifers and beer - Lots of heifers and beer - Lots of heifers and beer - Lots of heifers and beer - Lots of heifers and beer, but it is necessary to study the materials of the original sources and not just read but do ANALYSIS of the read ... in principle, to add to the first one only wants that when we start looking at things adequately, and not through the lenses of a certain human status, when we understand that the fate of this world depends on every cleaner in the store, we will begin to value our culture and our worthiness va when we stop talking;

And here is the West ..., (and now attention for fans of HAPPY), only then we will become a real nation with a great history, which you don’t have to say A WRONG WEST ..., as in the West they will A WAIT IN RUSSIA ... Now let's look at the second way back to (start) / Let's look at the family (No. 2) The story in this family of aunt Clava and uncle Vanya is completely different, they are hereditary working people of our labor factory named after such and such a mother who often had fire, vodka and capitalism , they can be honored with the title of idiots of the year, and why should they?

Let's take a look at their children Misha and Nastya the simple guys go to the kindergarten playing there with the kids the same aunt Klava and the uncle Wan. After they go home, passing through exquisite buildings to them. Honored Comrade of Architecture Khrushchev (from the word Khrushcheb, as you know, e = E), and shopping for dinner with sausage-makoronnymi products of local selpo. At home, of course, their beloved pet awaits them, his name is not at all a topic, his body name is ... a visor, and there the exciting adventures are simply Mary in the confusing labyrinths of lies, and with the prize sector on the drum - all are the result of the same telemakers from the first chant of the narration - Lots of heifers and beer, - Lots of heifers and beer, - Lots of heifers and beer.

This is how their evening passes in a fascinating way, and they, with a sense of accomplishment, are sent to the pot and then to the cozy bed with a sense of fulfilling a duty. so it takes 4 years and the child goes to conquer new heights in school. The first call with the happy emaciated smiles of the teacher receiving 3000 per month and the insane writer constantly flying from the teacher of physical education, which they can give interesting to the children. And the matter is not even at all in the lack of the quality of education, rather in the absence of the idea that it should bring to the children (soon on the screens). So, another 8 years pass and the child is faced with the choice to go to the 10th grade or go to study to be a tractor driver, we all decided to go to the 10th grade, for the time being we will leave the tractor drivers.

And here he is: prom sex: dirty sex, a lot of vodka and ... but we don’t say exactly about this, all of a sudden your parents are reading this text now. So soon, after all, examinations to the university, and remembering my mother's words for 10 years, - Today, without a diploma, that is not where you will spend it. My son decides to enter the dokaraku in agricultural academy (coincidence with real stories, only coincidences), so 5 more years pass in his dreams about the diploma and the position of GENERAL director at the local pig. During this period, he, of course, instead of studying his profession thoroughly, dabbles at the club his girlfriends milkmaid about how hard it is to learn from them there: botany is not like how, after which he returns from the barn with a sense of accomplishment to increase the number of the country and go to bed ... This is how the top managers who know only how to grab chicks by the chest appear and how RIGHT they think to run the country ...

But back to our house, so what is the problem of our country and how to deal with it.

How to make it so that the new generation did not choose Pepsi, was not born from old fart, and did not live in openwork, but was thinking and sensible, sorry for toftalogiya

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5517/

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