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The story of one laptop. Spoon of tar (continued)

So, the continuation of the article about how I bought a laptop

After a long-awaited refund of Network-Company-Number 1, I went to buy a new laptop. On the same day, for the same money, I found a laptop of the best equipment,
the best brand in the even cooler Web-Household-Computer Store2 in our provincial city.
The laptop was beautiful in the shop window, shimmered in the rays of light, and its desktop gave off the glitter of a glass Vist and I already imagined how the updated Ubuntu will look on it today ...
-Beru !!!

But as always in any story there is a fly in the ointment ... about which I wanted to tell in this article
Spoon first
At first, the manager upset me that he was not in the warehouse of our city N, but he overjoyed me with the overseas word “Virtual” warehouse of the city (N + 500 km) has this laptop. It will be delivered in 3-5 days. I agreed.
- You will issue additional service? We have 2 and 3 years ...
- What is it?
- Well, for example, we had a client - the Anti-Virus “flew off”, - he came and we changed his laptop for a new one.
- I wonder ... And if I do not take this service, then what?
- Then you will communicate with our service center, but not with us. Yes, and they also told us that they do not accept laptops even if there is one unlicensed program.
Then I remembered about Ubuntu and already wanted to write the second post on Habré about how someone sued the cost of the pre-installed operating system in Russia. (this is more like blackmail than service, I thought).
- That is, if I buy this service, do you turn a blind eye to the software that was installed with that client? Moreover, you probably know that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, software and hardware do not depend on each other. But then I did not tell him the whole story - the Manager hesitated ...
I signed the papers, got a bunch of ads, left my passport details (now I will be aware of all their ads, but now "Especially for you ...")

I call in 5 days - already with indignation! - Why don't they call me to deliver the goods?
- Your laptop comes from Moscow within 10 days
- Girl, I was told that 3-5 days.
- No, you are mistaken 10 days from Moscow ...
- I look into the contract, which I slipped after payment of the goods, and in words said “3-5 days”, and there 10 days are crossed out and the delivery of goods is written 25 days. I call the help desk of this company 8 (800) XXX-XX-XX
- Do you know that delivery to city N is carried out in 25 days, when the Russian post is a letter in 7 days to any end of the country, and a parcel from America comes by regular mail to me in 39 days?
- no, 10 days ...
I come to the store talking with the manager:
- And do you know that in Russia your company delivers the goods in 10 days ...
- We have written 25 days. You know the car can break down the road, you know what roads we have ... (it was his only explanation. Everyone has a crisis, but not to the same extent: in 25 days walking 40km on foot a day. I will deliver this laptop to my house from Moscow)
- You know that I sent a claim to Moscow in your name and in the name of the manager. You have 2 more days according to the rules of your store ... Yes, and read the law, otherwise I told about your explanations of the licensed software and the service discussion to the customer support service.
- After 2 days in the evening, the call made me happy with the presence of goods in the store.
- I came signed all the papers took the laptop, while the whole store got together and looked at me like a polar bear in the desert. (I just just defended my rights)
They did not give me a warranty card for a laptop, which caused a separate investigation, since this laptop company does not have warranty cards. All warranties are carried out by check. This was told to me in the help desk of the firm of laptops, but in the help center of the store the information was different - the store was obliged to give you a warranty card. I asked the support service to send me an official letter stating that they do not provide a warranty card, which they did immediately.

Second spoon
I was happy with the laptop until I did not understand that one key was sticking to the keyboard. And for evil, it is found more than once in my passwords. I didn’t want to take the laptop again for 45 days to the service center because of such a breakdown, recalling the first article . I didn’t want to change either, because then I would have to prove again that I had to give more money than I paid, because the exact same laptop began to cost 25% more and it took only 10 days.

Third spoon
Immediately there was a second problem. In this new system, which was lauded by everyone, I bought, there is no support for such new security standards as WPA and WPA2 for wireless networks, but there is only support for the old WEP. Even on the Microsoft forums, these are questions about WPA without answers. However, somehow I found and downloaded the patch specifically for my 32-bit Vista, however, when I started to install it, the patch said that it was not suitable for my system.
At the same time, it was impossible to simply configure the wireless connection even on two laptops with different versions of Vista and at least on WEP. "Limited connection" wrote me a beautiful interface. Then I remembered the happy purchase of a license and decided to call the Microsoft service to request a solution to this problem. “There is no information on this issue, since Microsoft is not responsible for the operation of third-party WiFi equipment,” they answered in the handset. I was recommended to go to the forums. After several dances with check marks, WORKGROUP and a different password length and Passphrase, I managed to set up a wireless connection.

Spoon Four
Go ahead - decided to install ubuntu. And then I thought about partitioning the hard drive. Who thought up sharing them like that ?! The recovery partition and its files were on a 120GB slice, the system is on the remaining 130GB. I’m used to having the system separate, personal files separately, backup separately and another section empty and unformatted "just in case."
I decided to burn discs for backup, since it’s not necessary to go far, and put the system with them, but first break the disc to fit my needs. What was my surprise when the disk after formatting gave me - that the system will be installed on a partition of 130GB ... I canceled. I thought maybe I missed something. Loaded, looked sections - everything is all right. The section is kept, but decided to try disk option. So this backup does not restore the system, but restores the disk as it was flooded at the factory.

Gentlemen, tell me what is the meaning of such a system recovery, when all my files are overwritten after recovery?!

I called the support service and wrote an “angry” letter saying that I need to break the screw, save the license and not lose the data! I haven’t yet responded to the letter, and by phone they offered to use PArtition MAgic, which I supposedly should buy and who, in my experience, doesn’t know how to safely compress partitions without losing data and most importantly, don’t know how to compress the partitions on which it is installed, which is logical.

I suppose that there is probably some kind of Live CD that needs to be plugged in to create an image, a C drive, moreover, so that it fits less than 5 DVDs, then do the same with the recovery partition, then you need to cut it all into a screw and not see some type of error: "I can not boot," and then you have to go back to the factory restore disk. and all over again

Maybe someone will tell about their experience in communicating with these licensed things, for which you pay money, but at the same time they cause so much inconvenience that even if you stand, fall.
PS Here was the first laptop, Vista was still quite raw then, it just stopped recovering from the recovery section. I cleaned everything and put it on your own, you know that everything worked ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55165/

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