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Website: analysis of visitor preferences

My idea is not new in the global sense of the word. It is also not universal or complete. But, in my opinion, in some cases and on some types of sites, it can be very useful.

There are some types of sites where content is located on one page, more or less different in topics (blogs, ads). You can determine the preferences of a site visitor using a simple client script. To do this, the page script can analyze:
The introduction of sequential refinement and heuristics, it seems to me, will allow you to quickly identify user preferences and dynamically provide target page elements to it by loading them via AJAX (sent the URL, context and scroller position - received a set of elements). These can be either more suitable notes / postings / announcements, links to contextual internal pages, or advertising, or simply useful links.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55158/

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