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“Sixth Sense” MIT

on the trail:
(I decided that after all the main presentation might be interesting)


MIT Media Lab students have developed a computer system that can be worn and allows you to create a touchscreen on any surface. The system automatically adapts and allows you to “predict” what exactly a person wants on the surface of a book, toilet paper, newspaper, etc.
This is one of those cases when it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times =)

The project is rather ambitiously named “The Sixth Sense”. According to Pattie Maes - from the Fluid Interfaces group - the traditional 5 feelings of a person do not allow to adequately respond to many problems of the modern world. To do this, you need to process a huge amount of information, search the global network, etc.

Those. essentially the Internet is the Sixth Sense!

Video on the cut

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55134/

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