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MS not mastered the layout for IE8?

Somehow, purely by chance, I looked at the source page of www.microsoft.com/expression .

Oh my God! What is it in the head section?

<meta id="ctl00_ctl00_Meta1" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />

For those who do not know what it means: the eighth donkey when you hit this page will behave like the seventh. I personally (well, maybe there are more use cases, eh? :)) use this so that in the eighth (which ideally supports the standards, yeah) my pages look better than the insides of a dead panda.

Brave fellows can not impose a site on the eight? Or what's the matter? I'm glad to hear your opinions in the comments :)

PS for those who do not understand sarcasm: the bad guys are not layout designers, but donkey’s afftars. Well, this, of course, is my personal opinion :)
PS2 How many here, however, donkey fans O_o

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55126/

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