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Ignoring by Apple may cost developers of applications for the iPhone $ 600 thousand.

FreedomVOICE Systems may lose about $ 600,000 due to the fact that Apple has been ignoring their iPhone app for 6 months.
The company's CEO, Eric Thomas ( Eric Thomas ), announced the termination (for an indefinite period) of work on an application for the iPhone called Newber . At the office. The application site has been posted a letter to the gene. Director of FVS, which says that the company has invested about half a million dollars in the development of the application itself, and in promoting the application at various exhibitions and in the media (even before submitting an application for additions to the AppStore).

“We followed all the development guidelines provided by Apple, but we didn’t receive any comments from Apple about the reasons for the delay in reviewing the application,” the letter says. It is worth noting that about 165 days have passed since the application was submitted.

Apple said this week that about 96% of all applications are confirmed to be implemented through the AppStore, but the company has been criticized for a rather long period of lack of communication with developers. Even after the approval of the company does not inform the developers when their application will be released on the AppStore, until the very moment of publication.
While independent developers are just annoying, for large companies such as FreedomVoice, this causes major losses. According to the gene. Director, the company has invested more than $ 50 thousand in the presentation of its application at CES . The cost of marketing plus the development of the application itself and give the amount of $ 600 thousand.

“This is somewhat annoying when during eq. In a recession, we invest money in something that we cannot endorse as a result. ”

The company has tried many times to connect with Apple on this issue, but has never received a response. Eric Thomas believes that Apple deliberately postpones the decision, since another application developed by them under the name FreedomIQ Voicemail, became available in the AppStore in a month.

Newber is an application for switching phone calls between an iPhone and a landline phone. For example, when you answer a call on your way to work and continue talking when you arrive at the office, you can switch your conversation to a landline with one touch.
"We just want Apple to wake up the conscience and they answer us to our requests ... I even agree to get the answer" no ""

In the meantime, you can sign a petition in support of the developers of FreedomVoice.

PS An interesting fact is that the PR agency BIGfish is engaged in the promotion of this story. The agency states that “BIGfish makes it impossible to ignore your story. It is a great deal of attention to your position. Our campaigns begin with aggressive media outreach, press briefings, media events and trade shows. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55122/

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