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Kazakhstan is thinking of creating a national OS

Kazakhstani officials are discussing a project to create a national operating system. According to the newspaper Express , this initiative is lobbied by the Agency for Informatization and Communication of the Republic (AIS). Together with the subordinate company National Information Technologies (NIT), it seeks government orders for the early development of new software.

The idea of ​​the country's dependence on the technology of Western corporations led to the thought of developing its own OS of officials. In addition, the purchase and update of licensed Windows for government agencies is a tangible item in the budget. “If Kazakhstan joins the WTO, it will be necessary to license all the operating systems we use,” admits Batyr Makhanbetazhiev, Chairman of the Board of BAT. “And the cost of one license for one working server is $ 200.”

Kazakhstan, according to Makhanbetazhiev, may follow the example of South Korea, which has embarked on developing its own open source operating system. But it may try to negotiate with Microsoft about the transfer of Windows codes. Note, Microsoft really does have a “State Security Program”, and within its framework Russia, for example, received the source codes of Windows 2000, CE, XP, Server 2003 OS - FAPSI, Gostekhkomissiya, FSB, Gosstroi, and the Ministry of Communications have access to them.
If the government of the country approves the scenario of creating its own operating system, its core AIS and NIT promise to develop by the end of this year. The new OS will not be fundamentally different from existing analogues. But during the implementation of the project, the problem of shortage of programmers-developers may arise, the representative of NIT noted.

It is not known what name the Kazakh national operating system can receive. The publication of “Express K” does not exclude the option “Terese” (translated from Kazakh as “window”).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5512/

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