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Gmail Labs - new features

This morning, the post office greeted with joyful yellow “New stuff in Labs!”. Favorite mail client acquires new functionality, namely:

Preview for YouTube, Picasa, Flickr and Yelp
Instead of the usual links, see the preview of photos, video clips and reviews ( Yelp is a foreign service of reviews, “what’s cool and what’s not cool” ) right in your letters.

Cancel sending
Oh, hurried to click "Send"? Now you have the opportunity to cancel the sending within a few seconds and edit the letter before the next sending.
The diary on the mobile
To have your to-do list with you, no matter where you are - just type the address gmail.com/tasks in the browser of your cell phone.

Let Gmail work even when you're not online! ( Yes, this opportunity has already been announced earlier and it was written about it on Habré, but, nevertheless, it is kept by Google in 'What's new' ).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55109/

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