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A bit of risk management theory

Risk Management Introduction

I decided to address the topic of risk management for several reasons:

However, it is worth remembering the following - risk management in any sphere of human activity, in my opinion, this is still only an applied discipline that provides general and practical recommendations.

Answers to all the questions in each specific situation will have to be searched independently - so you should not see in the risk management process any panacea for all ills, or an immediate and radical improvement in the development process. However, despite this, I consider risk management to be an indispensable part of a good project management process.

Risk determination

There are a lot of definitions of risks and all of them are, in principle, well known and intuitively understandable. I will give here only a few quotes I remember.
Risks are schedule delays and cost overruns waiting to happen (by Peter Kulik)
Risk is the possibility of suffering loss (SEI, Dorofee 96)

You should also understand the main difference between the concept of risk and the concept of problem:

Some terms and definitions

It is necessary to distinguish the concepts of Mitigation and Contingency - the first relates to the risks, the second - to the problems. Implement mitigation plan - reduce or the likelihood or impact of risk when / if it comes; implement contingency plan - reduce the consequences of the risk that has already occurred.

For the same risk, both plans can be developed, but in most cases only one (here it is necessary to decide what is more important - to prevent the risk from triggering, or to minimize losses when it is triggered). Also, when developing a mitigation plan, people are often guided either by a mitigation strategy or only a risk mitigation strategy (which saves - why should one focus on reducing the influence of risk, if its probability decreases at the same time).

Risk management process

Below are the steps that I usually highlight in the risk management process.

Where to begin?

How does a risk management process begin on a project? According to theory - with the identification of risk (s) . It is necessary to compile a list of risks that would most fully reflect the picture of risks and potential problems on a project. It should be remembered, however, that even the largest list will never be complete - something will always be missed. ;)


The result of this stage is a qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, which can be carried out in the following areas:

Likelihood \ ImpactSmall = 1Medium = 2Critical = 3Blocking = 4
Very likely = 4foureight12sixteen
High = 336912
Medium = 22four6eight
Very low probability = 1one23four

With this definition, the amount of risk is the easiest way to determine a quantitative characteristic of risk. In practice, it makes sense to monitor and manage risks that are on or above the main diagonal of a given matrix (that is, with risk values ​​greater than or equal to 4 or 6).

After analyzing the risk, we can create the top 10 risks (Top 10 Risk List), plotting the risks in descending order of risk magnitude and selecting the first ten. It should be remembered that choosing a greater number of risks can turn risk management into a very difficult process that will be too expensive and inefficient.


The main task of planning is to answer the question of how we will handle each of the risks. Here are the following options:

Directly for risk management, a mitigation strategy (actions that we take to reduce the likelihood and / or impact of risk to an acceptable level if we choose this strategy) and a contigency plan (action plan in case the risk has worked) should be developed.

Risk mitigation

At this stage, the risk is actually resolved after it has been triggered. That is, an appropriate contingency plan is being executed. The task of the stage is to perform it in the most efficient way, and also to collect and analyze information about this risk for the next stage.

Tracking and modification of risk data

The following objectives are pursued at this stage:

Since the situation on the project is constantly changing, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in risk parameters, adjusting the “Top 10 Risk List”:


The key point of the risk management process should be the periodic repetition of these processes, preferably consistent with the duration of development cycles and workflows. We can recommend a risk assessment once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the size of the project (in some very large projects, the frequency can be increased up to a month, but I wouldn’t do more).
I also want to recommend keeping a history of changes in the list of risks and their parameters (at least the Top 10 Risk List) - in the future this will give us the necessary statistical data.


It should be noted that the information above is a squeeze out of a large, official and extremely formalized risk management procedure that I created for the company in which I work. Some formal steps (for example, risk management planning, control) are omitted, for the steps outlined, a description of their essence is given, which helps to understand them, but leaves a certain freedom of choice and flexibility in applying to various projects.

However, it is possible to designate ways for the further development of the article.

I invite all interested parties to talk on this interesting topic;)

useful links

MSF Risk Management Discipline v.1.1 - www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6c2f2c7e-ddbd-448c-a218-074d88240942&displaylang=en (http://www.microsoft.com/Rus/Download.aspx? file = / Msdn / Msf / MSF_risks_mngt_rus.doc)

'Continuous Risk Management at NASA' - satc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/ASM_FEB99/crm_at_nasa.html
PMBok - www.pmi.org/Marketplace/Pages/ProductDetail.aspx?GMProduct=00100035801

Risk Management @ SEI - www.sei.cmu.edu/risk

SWEBOK (Guide to the SoftWare Engineering Body Of Knowledge) 2004 (Iron Man) - www.swebok.org

Just interesting sketches for project management - jchyip.blogspot.com/2008/12/lean-it-in-sketches.html

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55105/

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