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Idea for a startup: open-source music

At the moment there are a lot of services in the network, the main theme of which is music and everything that accompanies it (the social network Last.fm, Pandora radio are the clearest examples). All of them are intended mainly for listening to music and sharing it between users.

The question arises: if there is a service for consuming and distributing some information, why not a service for its creation appear?

The essence of the idea is to create a resource that brings together musicians from around the world, a continent or a country (underline the necessary), and allows them to create music together, meeting and communicating while only online.

A rough idea of ​​the mechanism of the service:

A certain person (let's call him the conductor, although this is not quite right) creates an ad in which he sets the style, tempo, tonality, general scheme and other characteristics of the future track + list of musicians he needs.

Indicative ad view:
“To record a small blues track, you need a rhythm guitarist, slide guitar player, drummer and harper. The tonality is E major, the tempo is 120 quarters per minute, the size is 4/4, the rhythm guitar standard blues pattern is TTSTDSTS.
The general scheme is 8 bars of a simple rhythm guitar, then 16 bars of a harmonica solo, then a smooth transition to a slide (32 bars), then a change to the rhythm guitar player’s bout, then a slide and a harmonica play in unison (16 bars) and at the end - gradual sound attenuation. For full understanding, see the attached blues.gtp file (who is in the tank - opens with the Guitar Pro program). ”

After the announcement of such an announcement, musicians who can and want to play the blues start recording the corresponding tracks at home (harper sits with the harmonica at the microphone, guitarists record riffs and solos, etc.), and then send the finished product in a commentary to the conductor’s announcement .

The conductor, having received the tracks for each instrument, selects the best of them in timbre and overall sound, reduces, cuts and mixes. The finished track is then published on the site to the delight of all blues fans.

I foresee the following problems:

That's the whole idea for a new startup. What do you say, habrovchane? Is the idea good and will anyone do it?

(post scriptum: I myself am a rather weak programmer, so all I can do is throw shit on a fan to submit an idea and hope that someone will do it :)

UPD: the post crawled in "I'm smart"

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55086/

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