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NetBeans and MySQL may not survive the move under the roof of IBM

As you know, a few days ago, IBM announced its desire to purchase Sun Microsystems for a very good amount, which will be hard for vendors to give up. "Blue Giant" hopes to improve its position in the market of professional equipment, as well as preparing for confrontation with Cisco in the server market.

But for many independent developers, the plans of the two IT giants cause well-founded concerns: will they not forget about them, about Open Source and about their own projects in the midst of a market struggle? It’s clear that none of the top managers of IBM and Sun now at all think what will happen to these projects, which do not bring practically any profit, but at the same time are extremely important for the Open Source community.

Now at the developer forums, it is discussed that IBM may well slow down the development of the Sun NetBeans environment, because it has a native Eclipse. And really, why should a single company promote two IDEs? Especially in these difficult times. There is an opinion that on the second day after the official purchase of Sun, representatives of IBM will announce the closure of Sun NetBeans, as well as other “competitive” projects. Here are a couple of other Sun projects that face closure if the transaction is completed:

Analysts from Forrester also agree with such concerns. They say that IBM may well close some projects that can not monetize. In general, the innovative spirit inherent in Sun, can not withstand the atmosphere of rigid corporate discipline, which IBM has always been famous for.
However, there is another point of view. A giant like IBM can give new impetus to Java projects, as it can invest much more in them than Sun.

In addition, all these arguments can be speculation from scratch, because the transaction may not take place. No official information about it yet. The Wall Street Journal published information about negotiations between IBM and Sun with a link to an anonymous source, they are not commented on by IBM, so now they have the status of unconfirmed rumors.

via IDG News Service

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55076/

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