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Draw a map of the creative class of Moscow

The editor of the magazine "The Secret of the Firm" is looking for in Russia a kind of Silicon Valley - scenery and extras that would correspond to the lifestyle of a capricious geek.

“I thought progress was possible.” When in our country the proud words about technology clusters were heard. And about technology parks, business incubators and technology innovation zones. I even caught myself thinking that I was ready to go to this Dolgoprudny - in search of campuses, green lawns and harmony. I was ready to go even to the ends of the world - from Medvedkovo to Troitsk. And went. And then somehow I went to Dolgoprudny. Troitsk was shit. However, Dolgoprudny. The same usual dull shit, like everything else. Without any campuses, lawns and free wifi. And I'm depressed again.

Konstantin Bocharsky (that is the name of the editor) does not give up, but needs a collective mind. He calls to take a Google map and indicate on it the habitat of Russia's coolest brains in IT, advertising, education, design, art, and investing. Now the “Map of Moscow's creative class” is being drawn and, it seems, someone else is drawing the same map of Nizhny Novgorod.

Why all this: look at the concentration of creativity from a bird's eye view; laugh get a visual navigator in the field of brains and money; test the hypothesis of Richard Florida (I have no idea who it is); In the end, you can see your name in the list of co-authors in the best business magazine of the country.

In general, join.

Rules of participation and lyrics . I apologize for LiveJournal, the site of our cartographic artel is still being done, and supporters are needed right now :)
Moscow creative class map

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55070/

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