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Patches UTF-8 Collation under FreeBSD

So, today I will try to answer the popular problem of how to patch KDE UTF-8 under FreeBSD.

At one point, transferring a database from a test server to a production to prepare a beta version, I hit my head against the problem with UTF-8 strings in PostgreSQL. Or rather, I stumbled upon PostgreSQL’s complete reluctance to issue a SELECT upper ('gopher') for the SUSLIK state as requested. As a result of the search, I was shocked by the bugs, because I didn’t expect from modern OSes such completely childish blunders!

PostgreSQL collected from ports in the fryah for working with unicode strings uses the system LC_COLLATE. In order to understand what the rake I needed was just one command:

 $ ls -l /usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_COLLATE
 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 28 Dec 3 23:30 /usr/share/locale/ru_RU.UTF-8/

Moving away from the shock, I got into Google, looking for a recipe for the treatment of this outrage. I propose it to you:
  1. First you need to patch KDE UTF-8 under FreeBSD (my thanks to the author of the solution ):

     wget http://blog.lexa.ru/files/ru_RU.UTF-8.LC_COLLATE.tar.gz
     tar xzvf_US.UTF-8.LC_COLLATE.tar.gz
     cd en_US.UTF-8.LC_COLLATE
     make freebsdsort or make universal
     make install

  2. But the problem did not end there. If your PostgreSQL is initialized in a different encoding from ru_RU.UTF-8, then this patch will not be enough. It will be necessary to re-initialize the database (which, of course, absolutely did not make me happy).
  3. Make a dump of our database (pg_dump or pg_dumpall).
  4. Stop PostgresSQL:

     /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql stop

  5. Add the following lines to the /etc/login.conf file:

     postgres: \
     : lang = ru_RU.UTF-8: \
     : setenv = LC_COLLATE = C: \
     : tc = default:

  6. Add the flag to the /etc/rc.conf file for proper initialization:

     postgresql_initdb_flags = "- locale = en_RU.UTF-8"

  7. Initialize the database:

     /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb

  8. Fill back our base. Voila!

And a few more comments about ...

PS Crosspost from a personal blog.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55066/

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