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Will you participate in Tagline 2009?

The TOP-100 rating of the leading web studios of Runet 2009 has been launched. Our team has been registering and participating in the rating for three years, with varying success getting into the cherished 50 and then the top 100, but I still have an ambiguous attitude towards it. And now I'm thinking about the meaning of participation in this rating.

Of course, attempts to systematize the web development market are good. A filter offering customers a list of leading companies is needed. Unfortunately, the Tagline does not succeed. After summing up the previous ratings, which, by the way, were published with a delay, there are more questions than answers.

What conclusions have been made by the organizers of the rating following the results of a three-year “comprehensive research” of the market?
Quotation from the current site: “Unfortunately, the situation in the Russian site development market on the Russian Internet is not an easy one. Both its structure and information on it are in a chaotic state ... ”
It is not necessary to collect information for 3 years in a row and study it in order to come to this conclusion.

Why do you need a rating?
Quote: “We hope that our project will be able to fill informational gaps, draw the attention of the professional community to the urgent problems of the market, and also help to improve the situation on the market as a whole.
Our task is to form a transparent market for the development and promotion of sites and to fully promote its productive development and growth. ”

The goals and objectives have been preserved since last year, but throughout 2008 we filled the information gap with a long delay with a ridiculous turnover rating, quality rating - studio representatives and experts evaluated the quality of usability, the level of problem solving (How? We looked, we liked it - 10 , did not like - 1?) and the news that Actis has teamed up with Wunderman (wow!).

In general, the site did not fill any informational gaps.

And the most incomprehensible phenomenon for me is when an unaffiliated Andrei Terekhov, who has been engaged in collecting data for the compilation of a rating for several years, suddenly goes to work for one of the participants of the “ADV” rating as marketing and PR director. How is it in Russian! Ivan Ivanov Ivanovich worked as the Minister of Communications, and then he went and left to manage a private radio station.
I do not deny the possibility of Andrei working in a company participating in the rating. But, for example, 2-year-old officials cannot work in a profile company for ethical reasons.

Friends, let's discuss why the Tagline rating is needed? And will you participate in it?

PS But with something you need to start! Therefore, I’ll rather support the rating with participation, let a lot to me and it seems doubtful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55057/

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