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Typographical layout in Linux

xkeyboard-config from version 1.5 contains an additional level with useful Unicode characters that can be stuck to any layout. Actually, I participated in the process of adding it there. This character set was written several years ago under the impression of the layout of Ilya Birman, then it was constantly reworked and stabilized.

I repeat that this is not an additional layout, but an additional level that can be connected to any layout. You can activate, for example, the following command:

  $ setxkbmap -option lv3: ralt_switch -option grp: caps_toggle -option grp_led: caps -layout us + typo, ru: 2 + typo 

As a result of its execution, you will receive two us and ru layouts, switching between them is performed with the CapsLock key, the CapsLock LED is used for indication, and for the temporary activation of typographic characters (that is, for temporary switching to the third level) - right Alt: hold down the RAlt and press the desired key to get the character you want. For example, ralt + - will give the character of a long dash -. RAlt + y is a yen symbol ¥.

There is also a picture with available characters.

Update 1
Here is an example of writing layouts in the xorg.conf file:

 Option 'XkbLayout' 'us + typo, ru (winkeys): 2 + typo'
 Option 'XkbOptions' 'grp: ctrl_shift_toggle, lv3: ralt_switch' 

Instead of "lv3: ralt_switch" you can use other values:
lv3: switch - Right Ctrl
lv3: menu_switch - Menu
lv3: win_switch - Any Win key
lv3: lwin_switch - Left Win
lv3: rwin_switch - Right Win
lv3: alt_switch - Any Alt key
lv3: lalt_switch - Left Alt
lv3: enter_switch - Press Enter key on keypad to choose 3rd level.

If you use another way of specifying XKB parameters, you can use the following parameters for the layout values: “us + typo” and “en: 2 + typo”, in that order. If you remove “+ typo”, the additional level will not be connected to this layout.

Also note that if the layout already has a third level, typo will overwrite it, so I do not advise connecting this layer to the Ukrainian layout, for example.

Also note that this level allows you to enter characters in brackets ([] {} <>) on the Russian layout without switching to English, details are in the picture.

I do not know how XKB parameters are specified in different WM / DE, so I would be grateful for such information, consider it something like beta testing :).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55042/

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