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Just call for 5 kopecks

Probably many Moscow motorists noticed a new advertisement on the roads - “Just call for 5 kopecks”.
I always respond with interest to new and interesting advertising. To be honest, I thought it was an advertisement of any kind of VoIP connection, but when I went to the site it turned out everything was much more interesting - this is a real mobile connection. Only 5 kopecks are the cost of calls within the network, and calls to other phones are 2.5 rubles.
Further more - looking in the basement noticed the familiar name of the company - "Sonic Duo". Not remembering exactly where I know him from, I entered the name in Google and it turned out that it was an old-kind Megaphone.
What is even more interesting - there are only a few news on the Internet on the fact that a new project has sprung from Megaphone - I found only one.

UPD : As always, good comments were given by habrews, versed in telecom. Their essence is that:
The Russian authorities allowed the creation in the country of virtual mobile operators - Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO).
And now it will be enough for the virtual operator to agree with the cellular company, the infrastructure of which he intends to use, the partnership scheme and approve it in Roskomnadzor.

Here are a couple of news on this topic: http://www.finansmag.ru/news/8276
http://www.bit.prime-tass.ru (Here that Eldorado will also create his own virtual operator)
UPD 2 . Although the user avenu says that this is still not a real MVNO. We look forward to continuing the discussion ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55038/

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