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How to draw a graph in which the best value is lower?

In computer tests, there are often graphics in which the best value is less (for example, calculation time). How to depict it in such a way that people do not confuse them with graphs, in which the best value is more?

I thought that for such a schedule you can try to turn the scale. Therefore, I drew such a picture and began to show my colleagues:

I showed the chart to a person and asked: "What is the best result?"

Then I asked: "What is the result worse?"

And finally: "Why did you decide that?"

In our company there are many people with different thinking, and these differences are well manifested between different departments. And a separate group are several women who own their own non-transferable logic :)

Answers under the cut, and in this post a longer bustle on the topic of a survey of colleagues

So, the answers of colleagues were distributed as follows:

- All the designers available to me said that the result is better than E, because the scale is turned upside down.

- Marketers suspiciously asked “depending on what to measure,” but 50% said that E.

- Receivers, who work with graphs every day, 80% said that E, but either did not know why, or noticed that the scale is negative.

- IT people let us down. Only 30% were for E. True IT people are all male, and the question “Why?” Was reasonably answered “Because D is more” :)

- Women 90% said that the best result - D. Either because he is more, or tortured "and what is compared?".

- Deviant instances in single numbers do not understand the schedule at all.

From here, I realized that the design is still bad. She has the right to life only if it is modified somehow like this:

But the mini-surveys of colleagues showed their usefulness. They can reset their own dislocated conceit. For statistical checks, they are likely to be too inaccurate, but at least show the right direction in which to move.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55037/

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