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Adobe is not going to release patches for compatibility with Vista

According to a statement published on the Adobe website, Vista users will have to wait for the release of new software versions from Adobe, with all the ensuing financial implications.

At the same time, according to the source , there are compatibility issues. For example, Adobe Photoshop CS2 requires registration each time it is launched. Dreamweaver 8 may tritely fall when working with file browsing.

Not all Adobe products have suffered such a fate. In the first half of this year, a free patch for Adobe Acrobat 8 ​​and, accordingly, Reader 8 will be released. Patches for Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements plug-ins have already been released. Only products that are awaiting release of their new versions will not be fixed. In the spring and summer of this year, fresh Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash and After Effects will be released.
Such “tension” between Adobe and Microsoft is most likely caused by Adobe’s dissatisfaction with the whist-built software for creating the XML Paper Specification documents, since this standard is viewed as a competitor to PDF. Adobe considers the delivery of such software with the OS a violation of European antitrust laws.

Also, the European Standards Committee, which includes, in addition to Adobe Systems, IBM, RealNetworks, Red Hat, and Sun Microsystems, believes that Microsoft's Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) (of which XPS is a subset) is a direct competitor to HTML, which is able to divert the market towards platform-dependent technology MS.

Let me remind you that XAML is actively used in .Net Framework 3.0 libraries, on the basis of which the Windows Vista interface is built.

Based on InformationWeek

The document itself from Adobe merely states that the current releases of their products were released earlier than Vista, so they were not tested for compatibility. The document has sections on compatibility issues for specific products. Regarding Adobe Creative Suite 2.3, which includes Photoshop CS2 and Dreamweaver 8, it is said that no statements from users about the problems with these products have been received, and the company’s support is ready to document those if they appear. It becomes incomprehensible where the source got the mention of the problems :)

I apologize for the multiple edits. It was the first habrapjy. But I realized that the InformationWeek edition will continue to read if it is worth, then only along with the links, which, thank God, they sometimes put.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5502/

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