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A gift for $ 300 to AIR-developers

About a week ago we added our application to Adobe AIR in the Marketplace , and a couple of days later we received a very nice email from Adobe. In short, in order to encourage developers, they issue a free Thawte annual certificate for code signing. Thanks to him, when installing the program, the user will see not red warning messages that the creator of the application is unknown, but more “friendly” yellow ones: that the authorship has been confirmed.
At Thawte, such a certificate costs about $ 300, so the gift looks good.
Details of the action, I later found here .

Delighted, I sent a request for a certificate, but soon I found a pitfall, spoiling all the fun.

A polite girl from Thawte who called me said that in order to issue a certificate, they need to check the documents of my company for the right to engage in commercial activities (or something like that). Well, since I don’t have a company, I don’t have any documents either. Accordingly, alas, I could not issue any certificate.

The offer on the Adobe website says more about Chosen Security signing certificate, so now I’ll find out if I can get it.
And you, if you have

You can try your luck: the certificates on the road are not lying. ;) And note that the offer is limited: who came first is signed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/55007/

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