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New release of Windows Azure and tools. PHP to Azure is a reality.


wrote that
during the MIX conference (http://www.visitmix.com) they announced a new release of Windows Azure and the corresponding SDKs.


1) a single installer for the SDK and tools for visual Studio.

2) FastCGI! Support, including URL Rewrite.

3) New template in Visual Studio for FastCGI.

3) Support native code and. NET Full Trust.

In a couple of weeks, GeoLocation will be added - the ability to indicate in which data center to develop the project.

By the way, on the same day I received such a letter.

I quote entirely, there are interesting and useful links.

Greetings from the Azure Services Platform Team,

We are excited to receive your Windows Azure SDK and Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio. These latest releases are available here:

Install both Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio and SDK: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=128752

Install the Windows Azure SDK alone: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=130232

What's new in Windows Azure SDK

Support for developing Managed Full Trust applications. It also provides support for the Native Code through the PInvokes and spawning native processes.

Support for developing FastCGI applications, including support for rewrite rules via URL Rewrite Module.

Improved support for SQL Server (only local instance).

What's new in Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio

Combined installer includes the Windows Azure SDK

Addressed top customer bugs

Native code debugging

Update Notification of future releases

FastCGI template

It will continue to be available. Please visit go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=130231 to share your Windows Azure experiences.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Azure Services Platform Team

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54997/

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