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All-Ukrainian initiative to use free / open source software in education and science

Dear Khabrovtsy. I want to talk about this initiative and its first results.

Representatives of education and science of Ukraine have known each other for over five years with free software. This acquaintance at different times was of a different nature: from the passive-informational in the initial stage, to the active-business one in the last two years. Perhaps the surge of activity is associated with well-known licensing events in Russia and the increasing number of inspections in Ukraine, but be that as it may, many understood the real benefits and prospects of switching to open source software.

In 2007, at the OSDN conference, under the section “ACT in Education and Science”, for the first time it was possible to gather people involved in this matter. A year later, in Odessa, at the FOSS Sea 2008 conference, the All-Ukrainian Initiative on the Use of Free Software in Education and Science took off.
The initiators were the Ukrainian Association of Users and Developers of Free and Open Software (UAFOSS) and the All-Ukrainian magazine RootUA.

The work platform was a specially created initiative website - edu.root.ua and the recently created Google group - groups.google.com.ua/group/floss-in-ua . Initially, all discussions took place on the forum at forum.root.ua/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1073 .

Linux has already passed the initial testing and is used in:

And this is only the beginning and not a complete list of those schools where SPO is used. In fact, according to our assumptions, SPO is used in almost all educational and scientific institutions in Ukraine, but some of the users simply do not know about it.

An initial action plan has been developed, which is now in the active phase of execution.
First stage:

At the second stage, data will be collected that will allow to formulate specific requirements for the future curriculum and open source operating system. There will be a selection of educational institutions for the pilot launch of the created OS.

Initiative on the march: a portal www.root.ua was recently created, designed to unite the Ukrainian community, direct its work, and organize the exchange of experience. The portal is based on such resources as osdn.org.ua and linux.kiev.ua , whose information is now gradually being processed into an actual form and placed on it.

The development and development of the portal is assisted by two Ukrainian publications devoted to free software - the All-Ukrainian magazine RootUA and the newspaper FOSS News .
The initiative is facilitated by the technical power of OSDN.org.ua, providing Internet space and all the necessary services for work.

The main center of interaction is UAFOSS . By activating its network and connecting new initiative groups to it, we hope to organize strong technical support in the field.

We are open to all who are ready to join the good, necessary and promising business. We are waiting for new participants in the initiative. We will be glad to have interesting ideas and suggestions.

Dmitry Spodarets.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54994/

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