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Windows Mobile 6.5 - Windows Mobile Widgets

Not only developers for the Windows Mobile platform got ugly standard controls. In the development team of the platform itself, this was also understood and developed a “third” way of developing applications for WM (besides the native and managed methods).

They gave birth to support for web applications (RIA, as they are now called fashionable) and called them Windows Mobile Widgets. They can be assigned a normal separate icon, they have full access to the lower menu (!), Etc.

Widgets are based on the latest version of IE, but in the task manager it is cleverly disguised :) It is interesting that there is full support for flash and ActiveX, i.e. You can freely embed, for example, Media Player.
An interesting point - all this stuff is based on the latest draft of www.w3.org/TR/widgets Cool, right? MS is trying to follow the standards :)

And finally ... there will be native support for transparent PNGs! OMG, I just don't believe it! :)

More news and details about Widgets are expected in April, but for now you can admire the beauty of the Windows Live team, which is trying now, to make quality examples of the Widgets platform:

Live search

Live search

MSN Money

MSN Money

MSN Weather

MSN Weather

By the way, I'm interested here, but will it look at 240x320? Autoscale graphics or how? I have no answer yet ...

PS: I gathered this information from here . True, there is a lot of water and praise, much more than useful information :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54993/

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