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Trend networks

Cooperation, smart and stupid acquaintances, services of joint action, various ways of monetization - these are just some of the trends that were called relevant at the round table "Trends of social networks" during the conference "i-community 2009".

Ekaterina Artyugina, HeadHunter Marketing Manager, provided interesting statistics from her research: 95% of those surveyed have ever been registered on social networks. “There are two clear leaders - Odnoklassniki (81% of respondents) and Vkontakte (77% of respondents). However, over time, the situation has changed: at the moment, only 45% of the respondents are left in Odnoklassniki, 60% are active on Vkontakte. Among the favorites appeared Western social networks - "Facebook", "Mai Space". The figures tacitly indicate that the interest of users to networks is somewhat reduced. People are ready to remain in them only if they receive “something really valuable (some called communication, others were informative)”. In this regard, Artyugina noted three main trends of social networks: globalization, specialization and utility. Illustrating how these trends are used by hh.ru itself, she mentioned that the company began to provide applicants with an opportunity to strengthen their positions when looking for work through their social network. Plus HeadHunter integrated with “My Circle”, as a result of which employers can quickly place vacancies in “My Circle”, and users learn about new jobs without leaving the usual resource.

The fact that the trend of cooperation is relevant was evidenced (albeit indirectly) by another presentation by Alexander Dolgin, manager of imhonet.ru . He did not mark this trend as independent, but he invited to partnership in the installation of recommendatory functionality on various resources and stressed that such a program was fully developed. Dolgin singled out as the main trend "increasing the content and quality of interpersonal communication" in networks. In his opinion, the social network should reduce people who are interesting to each other and throw up high-quality opportunities for leisure and business communication. He cited the example of Imkhonet's “Smart Dating”, which works on the basis of three filters - socio-demographic, according to interests and tastes (using the collaborative filtering mechanism). As a result, "Smart Dating" allows you to pick up people close in spirit. At the same time, a sample of users with similar perceptions and attitudes can be obtained quickly, without going through hundreds of random photos and texts. The functionality of "Smart Dating" turns the network into a club of clubs, where people are in contact with like-minded people and they are not annoyed by stray "aliens".
Lech Andreev, “Vebplanet”, immediately added that “Stupid acquaintances” that reduce antipode people can become just as relevant, and that many are interested in arguing with their antagonists. He continued the idea of ​​the need for filtering and the development of clubbing in social networks. Andreev explained the decline in attendance by the fact that the networks were “a driver for people who came from the street to enter the Internet.” He compared the motivation of users with the villagers coming to the big city and looking for someone to catch: acquaintances, classmates, relatives ... Now this plus is fading. Therefore, as a promising trend, Andreev called closeness - “inviting communities, a sort of gentlemanly club culture based on personal selection and personal recommendations.”
Another important trend in Andreev is the communities of joint action: to buy something together at the wholesale price or use the used items. Lech, whose daughter was recently born, illustrated everything with the example of baby carriages, which “are made using space technologies and can last 10 years, and only a year is needed. Those. 10 people can use one stroller ”. And because services of joint action not only have every chance of popularity, but also set a new trend in monetization - bypassing the advertising scheme. “If you buy a second-hand carriage not for 9 thousand, but for 2, then your real benefit is 7 thousand. Of these 7 thousand, you can easily detach 1 thousand to maintain the service. ”
Monetization trends sounded at the round table as a special sub-topic. Almost all speakers spoke about them in one way or another.
Phil Smirnov, director of the research center inVenture, named four main business schemes for social networks: subscription, paid services, advertising and hidden network marketing. In the first two cases, the money is charged to users, in the latter - from advertisers. Smirnov drew particular attention to the latest model, in which a meeting of consumers and sellers is arranged on the same platform (although it is suitable only for thematic services). The main thing, he stressed, was “not to overdo it with selling and advertising services: everything must happen by mutual agreement.”
Arthur Welf, columnist “Kommersant. Money, ”stressed that if monetization as a trend had been realized earlier, social networks would have entered the crisis more prepared. Welf spoke not so much about the monetization trend, as about those sources from which social networks should receive money. Like Smirnov, he also pointed to a fork: to take a fee from users or from business. Taking a fee from a business for social networks is simpler: unlike users, a business perfectly understands what it pays for. And users do not like to pay for what they previously received for free or still receive it for free somewhere else. Welf cited a recent Facebook study that showed that less than half a percent of users pay attention to advertisements that run on social networks, and only 3 percent of users would agree to advertise something to their friends. That is, social networks need not only to place banners that do not work well for them, but to use their other advantages. In particular, the fact that the user spends a lot of time on their site, and it means that you can organize various events here, turning the network into a permanent information channel. In addition, users who are sympathetic to one or another brand can act as advertising agents, informing people from near and far circles through their action tape. Another source of income is a business orientation with small budgets and local interests. Small business is practically not advertised through the Internet, because it is too global for it. A fitness room or a hairdresser is not interested in contextual advertising, because it allows you to customize geo-targeting with an accuracy of the city, and they are interested in the neighborhood. Social networks can receive information about where users live or work, informing narrowly interested circles of people.

Among the trends aimed at the development and creation, sounded one eschatological prophecy. Andreev predicted that mass networks would begin to experience difficulties due to the fact that micro-communities formed inside them would start flying out of the network, like new swarms of bees from a hive. To keep them will be very difficult. In large social networks it is not possible to organize services that would satisfy everyone: McDonald’s cannot satisfy all tastes. The only way out is to try to keep in touch with the mini-communities so that they use the parent network as a base platform for entry and communication.
The complete transcript of the round table with all its disputes and squabbles can be viewed on the ROCIT website - http://i-community2009.ru/program /, section - 1.1 “Actual trends of social networks”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54965/

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