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The State Duma received a budget that does not provide for the development of GLONASS

At VIF2 NE, there is information about how the authorities (due to the crisis) plan to reduce defense spending in Russia.

In particular, purchases of special space technology will be reduced by 1915.8 million rubles under the subprogramme “Ensuring the Functioning and Development of the GLONASS System” of the federal target program “Global Navigation System” - this means that there will be fewer satellites in orbit and covering all of Russia GLONASS will not cover the whole world next year with a navigation signal, as it was planned before. Quite the contrary: the question of whether the GLONASS will be ruined by the government of Medvedev - Kudrin will arise in full growth, as it was ruined during the times of Yeltsinism?

The financing of the implementation of the measures of the federal target program “Global navigation system”, the subprogram “Ensuring the functioning and development of the GLONASS system” will be reduced by 2,622.3 million rubles. I am afraid and guess what it will mean in practice.
Collapse, mess, desolation, barbarism.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54962/

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