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The first MMOG received a banking license.

Entropia Universe has become the first MMOG in the world to receive a formal banking license (in Sweden) and promises to register a normal, full-fledged bank during the year. True, this bank will not have a single branch in the physical world. They will only serve depositors from the planet Calypso (their game accounts are now insured by the state).

Entropia is a space strategy where the game is played with real money (that is, the exchange of game currency into US dollars is officially allowed). In other words, there you can conduct a normal and full-fledged business that is no different from offline counterparts - retail, show business, rental of premises, etc. The turnover of the game universe last year was about $ 420 million.
Some successful players earn a lot of money: tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now they have no need to transfer earnings from Calypso to Earth, and they can put honestly earned money on deposit without leaving the game client. Again, without leaving the home planet of Calypso, players can now pay for an apartment in the offline world, take loans, cash checks, etc.

But the most important thing is that the standard government insurance on deposits in Swedish banks, which guarantees the return of up to $ 60,000 by the state, now extends to the game accounts of all 850,000 inhabitants of the planet Calypso.

via AP

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54951/

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