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Exclusive Interview with Ryan Servatius (Microsoft)

We are glad to inform you all that next Wednesday, March 25, in Moscow, we will meet with Ryan Servatius, one of the main Microsoft employees responsible for launching and promoting Internet Explorer 8 .

image Ryan Servatius is a senior product promotion manager responsible for shaping a business strategy in the Microsoft operating system promotion department. Ryan’s responsibilities include analyzing market needs and planning the promotion of current and future versions of Internet Explorer. Ryan has been working at Microsoft since 2006, before that his professional activities included the organization of business processes and web analysis of areas related to telecommunications, network data and online payment systems.

This is the person on whom the fate of IE8 actually depends, and he agreed to give us an exclusive interview. This is really a unique opportunity to get information about the new browser, as they say, first-hand. And you, in the meantime, have an equally unique chance to ask Ryan your questions, right here in the comments. The most interesting will be asked to Ryan in a live interview, which will be published towards the end of the month.
And yes, be more original :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54949/

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