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G20 unable to find a way out of the crisis and asks for help from bloggers

It is not a secret that a summit of cones from 20 major world powers will begin work on April 2 in London to discuss ways out of the crisis.

Since the world rulers, apparently, do not hope to resolve such a difficult question on their own, the G20 “asks for help from the audience”:

The political summit will be covered not only by traditional media, but also by the owners of the most widely read blogs from around the world, SkyNews writes . The main function of bloggers (of which it is planned to call as many as 50) will collect questions from citizens through the G20Voice service and pass them on to conferring political leaders.
“It is incredibly difficult for an ordinary citizen to communicate with the Prime Minister of his country, however this very citizen can have very useful thoughts about the global economic recovery. The task of bloggers is to convey to the rulers the voice of the people, ”mock the organizers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54941/

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