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Where are we going?

Here is your life at the moment. What you usually do, what work you go to every day, with whom you communicate, what you dream about and so on. Look into the future - if you continue to live like this, will something change or not? What will you do, how will you live? It is not necessary to tell anyone at all about what pictures from the future you saw. The main thing is to do it honestly. And now look into the past. Remember what you did six months ago, if you lived six months ago as well. What was your life like? Has something changed since then significantly or not? Track the vector of development of your life. Where are you headed? Are you moving at all, or just standing still? Just ask yourself: am I standing or moving?

I am not saying that everyone is obliged to move anywhere, for the sake of movement alone. If you like your current life completely and you don’t want to change anything in it - the best choice is to stay in one place. This is an excellent choice if everything suits you. But if you want to make your life even better, if something does not suit you, you will have to move anyway.

There are knowledge systems that focus only on mental discipline. That is, you begin to think in a certain way, and your life will change. This is only partly true. In fact, if you start thinking differently, then you start acting differently. But I specifically emphasize this consciously, I write in large letters: "DO, REMEMBER ABOUT ACTION." The other extreme is manifested in the fact that people are constantly doing some kind of action, but they do not think. And you will effectively achieve results when you take actions and think about what actions to do, what to do them for, and why to do these actions.
How to create a balance between actions and thoughts, I will discuss further. So, everything always begins, of course, with our desires and goal setting. Where we move, why, why. Formally, many people set goals for themselves. But they set goals too abstract. And you set an extremely specific goal! Mark the place where you are now. For example, you want to raise salaries. Fix the current salary. Set a goal - i.e. determine for yourself how many times to increase it by how many thousand rubles, dollars, euros. In what time? Determine the starting point and the end point. But this is actually not enough. With this, most people more or less cope. But, as I said, action is needed. And to do the action, you first need to come up with it. To do this, you must describe the process. That is, if you set a goal to raise wages, you must understand exactly what you need to do. It would seem that these are very simple things, but many people forget about it.

Nominally, they can set a goal - to increase salaries. But if they don’t put effort into it, then where does this increase come from? Nowhere. Even very often this behavior is observed in relation to his personal and intimate life. Nominally, the goal is to find a mate. But what are you doing for this? And most importantly - how much effort do you put to it? For example, many girls like to say that the most important thing in life is love. This is the dream of their whole life! But if this is the most important thing for you, then why do you spend most of your time per day, per week, per month, per year, on work and shopping? Why not spend this time on dates? Or, if they do not invite you to dates now, you can do, for example, your appearance. Trite to start inviting for dates!

Same for men. Why time is given to some get-togethers instead of going to the gym or going to a dance to meet somewhere? Or at least create a profile on a dating site and chat with girls. Why? As long as you have such a discrepancy in your life between the targets that are being voiced and the goals to which you are really moving, you will not achieve anything. You can even roll back. Because these contradictions devour your energy!

It is also very often for many people already at this stage of setting a goal, everything stops for one amazing reason: you set a goal or a desire, and the thought immediately arises: “I don’t know how to do it”. This is amazing. If you are guided by the principle “I don’t know how to do it, and I will not do it” - that's all, put an end to your life right away. I can write to you in this book and in a dozen more books the program of a lifetime. But will you like what I painted? However, you will know exactly what to do. What are all universal schemes for, why do people teach each other? What is this all about? In order for you to get the result. If you are satisfied with the standard result - do it according to standard schemes. If you do not even know the standard scheme - trite find out. Learn to search.

No one will bring you on a silver platter with a blue tile happy life. I already wrote earlier why this happens. It's amazing how few people understand this. Learn to search. Learn to search for information to begin with. Now is the age of progress. Internet everywhere, help systems everywhere. It is no longer necessary to climb into the chair and look for the desired volume of the encyclopedia. Just open the search page, Yandex or Google for example. And learn to use them, learn to look for answers to your questions. You have a question - well, you enter this question into the search. Close this question that interests you. Ask your friends. I am really amazed at how few people are looking for answers to their questions. But this is one of the simplest actions that can be done to achieve the goal - to ask a question! And when you start looking, when you will achieve each goal starting from this first step, you will receive information on how to do it, you will find out what you need to do, for what,
where and why. But at least start asking questions!

Stop already telling people about your future business. Stop saying, "I want a business, but I don't know how." "I want to find the man of my dreams, but I do not know where." All such statements are painted in their own impotence. This painting is in its own unwillingness to change their lives. And believe me - it is not interesting for anyone to listen. It may be interesting to tell, but it is not interesting to even listen, not to take part in it.

And when you have already found the information - learn to do. Begin to move, even if you do not see the goal beyond the horizon. And to learn to do must also start small. Be unaccustomed to dividing the world into black and white! "Either I do everything at once, or I do nothing and never." Stop pushing yourself into the framework of the possible and the impossible. Stop talking to your desires on the principle of "now or never." Think better about the fact that "now a little bit, and then another, and even better!" Changes in life are extremely rare when they are spasmodic. Any movement in nature takes time. For this you need to describe the process.

Suppose you decide that you will cut toys with a jigsaw to make money. Or improve skills and do a better job. After that, you can already do it, and do it all the time. And the more you do it, the more money you have. Even if you do not set yourself a goal to earn a specific amount, if you do the actions that lead to this goal, you will still reach this goal. And the next goal will reach. And you will achieve even more.

For some reason, people are pathologically afraid of overstraining. Or rather, there are two large categories of people. One half is afraid of overstraining, and unexpectedly for themselves - they just got up from the couch and already overstrained! And the other half is afraid to rest and relax. Because as soon as you relax, immediately maniac raped. Therefore, you can not relax for a second! Maniacs are everywhere, just hiding well ...

The competent approach in this case is the traditional golden mean. Distribute the effort evenly. Take a rest. Rest, do. No jerks. Little by little, but regularly. The main thing - go ahead. And stop being senselessly sorry. And stop, on the other hand, kick yourself and rebuke. Do not need this one here pity: "Ah, I am poor, I will strain." Do not. If you are really annoying, do something complicated - do not. If you do not do something - do not reproach yourself for it.

Understand one simple thing - everything that you do now, it all responds in your future. If you are not doing something now, it does not respond in the future. That's all. Pretend how your current action or inaction will affect your future. And you will understand what you now still want more - to work and then get a harvest, or not to work and suck your paw all winter and go begging around your neighbors and borrow money from them. And ask for a visit, because it is so cold outside that there is no place to sleep and the stomach is cramped from hunger. Or do you still want to live in comfort, warmth, fullness? Then for this reason it is reasonable to work now, while there is such an opportunity.

Look into your future and look around there. Just do not stay there forever. There are people who live in the future all the time. This, of course, is also bad - when all your free time is consumed by dreams of the future. In order for these plans to be realized, you need to transfer these plans from the future to the present, to implement them.

Right now, do these three simple things: look into the future, build a plan for your desired future, go back to the present and start moving! Do not forget to look back and compare progress. See where you are going. Correct your actions accordingly. Taxied left-right. Look back and look forward. It's like a rearview mirror and a windshield in a car. To drive without accidents, we must look forward and backward. And of course, be sure to steer. And then you come to the right place. Only at least sometimes check with the map and road signs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54911/

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