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Transition Terrafugia is sent, please fasten your seat belts.

Back in 2006, several young graduates of the MIT aeronautics department designed a flying car (or a plane traveling on the roads) Transition (“Transition”). As conceived by its creators, Transition is able to move on asphalt at normal speeds for highways, and in the air can accelerate to speeds typical of sports aircraft. At the same time Transition should fit easily in a standard garage.

This miracle is designed for flights over a distance of 150-800 kilometers and is designed to give lightness and greater freedom of movement of people between cities.

The Transition has automatically folding wings and a propeller driven by a 100-hp aircraft engine. The machine is suitable for use as a regular car. In this special engine clutch is disconnected from the propeller and is connected to the driving wheels. Finally, this device requires little space for takeoff.
And so, the belts are fastened, the headlights are turned on, the fuel is in the tank. Fly!

Already dream about this.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54908/

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