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Pencil case in a laptop (small improvement)

The idea of ​​improvement came by chance when, while watching a video in full screen, I wanted to mark the idea that came to mind. I did not want to leave the full-screen mode and look for a tab with a planarium , and in the meantime, the hand itself reached for the note-taking sheet. Putting a piece of paper on the free surface of the laptop, the thought came to mind: “And what if you make a small notch in the laptop case, for example, for 20 sticknotes? And somewhere on the side of the recess for the handle. A sort of pencil case. "

After all, you may often need to write something with your hands, and not just to make a reminder. Or no one uses stick stick?

Examples of implementation:

Here in this approximately a notch should be leaflets. But since the touchpad is sometimes needed ( or not needed? ), It is better to position them a little to the right / left and to match the color of the plastic:




Here is another example:


I don’t know how difficult it is to make a notch in aluminum and whether it is compatible with the new simplified technical process of stamping cases, but I think that Apple will not accept such “improvements” - the design of their laptops is already perfect :)

In general, I would like to hear the opinion of the collective mind about this idea.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54902/

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