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Project Idea Generator

I want to turn to the habrasoobshchestvu for advice.
A minute of time was freed up and, as an increase in self-education, I wanted to get to know more specifically about one web framework, which usually doesn’t reach the hands. Since the experience is already there, I would like to do something functional and useful, but not great, and not to repeat simple examples from screencasts and tutorials. In this regard, the question arose, what kind of services can be known for generating ideas for projects, or just some kind of repository of ideas?

PS In the process of writing a note, an idea arose :) to write such a service yourself with the following functionality:
- generation of ideas by users (but what about =)
- adding / constructor of approximate functionality (user login, openid, admin etc)
- rating / rating ideas
- assessment of the complexity of the project in hours (as a whole and in individual parts, such as design, programming modules etc)
- assessment of the required number of people working for an approximate time (i.e., to do one for a week, for two for a month, etc)
- (important) sorting / filtering by the criteria above

This is a simple development plan, but of course it could be expanded, for example, to:
- Assessment of the importance / usefulness of each proposed module by users (hmm, or make it as a comment as on a habre, with "+" / "-")
- adding a user's idea with a specific implementation example from him
- discussion (obsasyvanie =) ideas from general to specific modules
- ...
In short, somehow it turned out messy, but I think the idea is clear.
More about the service - in the first line I thought purely as a small service for programmers, to while away the long winters, and not as something of a universal scale.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54881/

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