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Mouse that pretends to be a pen

In the design of a computer mouse, it is difficult to come up with something conceptually new. But the Japanese succeeded. Specialists in ergonomics from the Japanese company Elecom gave birth to a mouse of a special shape that helps your fingers to adopt the position that is customary for the grip of an ordinary ballpoint pen (or at least bring your fingers closer to this position). The illustration compares the position of the fingers with the grip of a conventional pen and a new Scope Node M-SN1UL mouse.

Engineers specifically brought one button forward and lowered it below so that the index finger fell down and the middle finger moved back. There is a thickening on the left of the mouse so that the thumb also moves away. It is believed that this position of the fingers is more familiar to a person who can write by hand. Accordingly, it is easier and more convenient to work with such a mouse, and the hand is less tired.

In addition, on the bottom of the mouse, the laser sensor (resolution 1600 dpi) was moved closer to the place where the “virtual pen” should touch the paper (between the thumb and index finger). Perhaps the developers believe that in this way it becomes more convenient to move the cursor around the screen.

Mouse Scope Node M-SN1UL is sold only in Japanese stores for about $ 64.

via Akihabara News

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54835/

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