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And the girl is ripe? About what is professional immaturity of the project manager.

Elena Pulak "Girl has matured" Everything is clear with the girls, but what relation does it seem to have maturity to project management? It turns out the most immediate! The issue of professional maturity is a key one in the career of a project manager .

Have you ever met new recruits, these two shaved, bare-nosed soldiers in uniform, two sizes larger than they were supposed to be, boys who are supposed to protect their homeland from school? The image of a frail servant, no longer a teenager, but not yet men, ears sticking out from under the headdress, is what I associate with immaturity.

But after six months of training, soldiers are trusted with military weapons, and a year later they are demobilized by trained fighters. By analogy with the soldier-recruit, a graduate of the course, who knows the principles of project management, confidently talking about the risks and factors of the organizational environment, and who knows how to build diagrams is not yet ready for reality, in other words - immature.
Professional immaturity of a project manager is a key factor in failure. This is only in the books of Jules Verne, everything is different. In the real world, an immature manager is more than able to compensate for the experience and personal qualities of all his team members. Verified

Victor Didyukin "Soldier's Letter"

Even men from the Overseas Project Management Institute, who publish the most boring Talmuds, in which they try to sort through the whole extravaganza of the ultimate manifestation of human qualities, recognize that the project manager must have (and apply!) Both administrative knowledge and advanced communication skills.

Communication is a key success factor. It is no secret that not all project work is natural. Restrictions, plans, ongoing monitoring are not for everyone. Tensions in the project - the natural state of the majority of participants. Break or incorrectly establish communication and the project is doomed.

In the service of Her Majesty's Communication. So I will call the book. Someday.

Managing expectations - the key to success. Humanly, this is called the word "agree." Negotiate regularly. I believe that the maturity of a project manager has a quality measure. Mature - will make everyone happy. The team, sponsors and the whole project environment. Diplomacy is a means. Diplomacy - quality.

Imagine Gopnik, proving the need for additional funding to the board of directors of a large company. Does not work? That's the same thing. Speaking the language of everyone who is in and around the project is the task of the manager. Part of his mission. Measure of maturity.

Roman Serebryakov "Mat"

A mature manager will establish and ensure communication within the framework of the entrusted project, managing expectations and providing support for the project from the outside. In the immature it will not work. Words can not find and fire wood.

Next time I will tell a story about an immature project manager. Terrible.

And now - I invite you to discuss reflections on the topic " What project is successful? ".

1. The work of Elena Pulak .
2. Works of Victor Didyukin .
3. Works of Roman Serebryakov .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54832/

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