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Black mirror

There is a legend that the sky was once mirrored, and everything that came up on earth was reflected in it, and everyone could see everyone. And there was peace and order in the whole world, because not a single act went unnoticed, and no one had any secrets from each other, and the doors of the houses were not locked.

Well, and then, as usual, a big monkey came and broke it. Or not a monkey. And why broke - I do not remember, but salt and not in it.

And now, I think, there must come a time when the sky will again be a mirror. I do not know just how this will happen: how are all the wonders of our time technical, or natural? Well, maybe one day people will develop the skill of telepathy, transmitting thought forms at a distance and read the content of other people's heads unhindered. That would be good.
Think it would be so good that many utopian things would become a reality. Mankind, by itself, or spurred by technical progress, has long been moving towards globalization. Yes, the very concept of “globalization” is pretty tarnished by the actions of some powers, who dared to publicly declare themselves as an example of the only correct form of social organization, and, moreover, who took the dubious work to actively unite humanity, leading all the diversity of human societies to one . But there is little of this naive desire, and it is only a cover for the true purposes of well-known power structures, and this may not be obvious only for the most inveterate romantics and humane people. However, besides the natural primitive greed of these great and powerful tribes, there is another limitation: this is a limitation of understanding, the narrowness of people's eyesight. And this limitation is twofold, existing both outside and inside: misunderstanding of oneself and misunderstanding of others. Yes, an instant exchange of thoughts and images could help in this understanding, it would be a really qualitative leap for all mankind: to self-understanding, to accept the whole variety of thinking, which would lead to a decrease in aggression, mistrust, and unification of the scattered efforts of mankind on a world scale. .

But there is a technical way. However, it is so little similar to telepathy that it is hard for me to believe that it can lead to any similar result. Rather, it will only be an inevitable evil, the inevitability of which is due to global trends and technical progress. I decided to give a working name to this evil: the Black Mirror project.

The Black Mirror project will be fully implemented, probably already during our lifetime.

I think this has already occurred to many, and it is already in the air. Not only hovers, however, but with might and main carried out. Over the past couple of decades, surveillance cameras have become commonplace. First, strategic objects, then banks, and now in the entrances, sometimes with the proud inscription "video surveillance is conducted." Here we put test cameras on the roads that automatically track speeding, and, so far with the help of operators, issue fines. In many cities of the world, streets under constant video surveillance, even to our Siberian city, street surveillance is rolled out: they say that they will begin to install, first in the center, and then on. Metro is now fully equipped.

The most interesting thing is that it’s not even bad. I even here entirely pro. Well, think, isn’t the Novosibirsk metro station one of the safest places? And quite. Do not help the camera to track down all kinds of intruders, and if you do not interfere, so at least very much assist in the capture? In general, help, it is difficult to argue. For the time being, we can only talk about a certain price-quality ratio - that is, how much pleasure will cost, which is dubious for the time being, and the image does not give a very clear one. And so on. But all these questions are more technical than ideological: so yes, in theory, putting cameras is rather good than bad.

But technical progress does not stand still. Today, the camera determines the number of cars with the operator, and tomorrow it will do it perfectly and automatically. Tomorrow, cheap and small cameras will appear everywhere: small, all-seeing and inconspicuous. Tomorrow it will not be so difficult to combine them into a single network. The city, all its zakaulochki, all the cracks, all the corridors and toilets of office buildings will gain eyes and ears. And what eyes! It is difficult, but you can make a database of individuals. It is difficult, but doable to make a three-dimensional scanning of the physiognomy a condition for obtaining a passport. The technique becomes incredibly powerful and cheap. What about remote villages? I think just a matter of time.

Tomorrow, cameras connected to the network will recognize faces, and, if only it were necessary for someone, to track your movements around the city, as well as outside of it. They learn to track facial expressions, pupils of the eyes, finally, and why not a pulse? - and identify signs of evil intent, just in case by tracking a suspicious subject. They will see and detect the smallest offenses: beer in the wrong place, insult, defiant behavior, even rubbish thrown past the urn - and automatically issue fines or, in serious cases, give commands to the nearest police patrols.

So why should it be necessary to organize such a complex system? I think that such a simple reason is enough: when the sum of the supposed fines for minor offenses will pay for this system. This is not to mention the heap of interesting possibilities appearing in the state to track specific people - after the existing record of all telephone conversations.

The public - the public will vote in favor. First, how much more secure life will become. Secondly, naturally, the strict secrecy of all system entries (smiley) is guaranteed. Privacy can, if desired, be interpreted very broadly. But what about fines: be an exemplary citizen, and everything will be fine. They took the notorious ban on drinking beer in public places - a terribly ridiculous law - and nothing, only Alvin in a blog, is indignant. What is there to remember the threat of world terrorism: a couple of explosions in the subway - and even the most disagreeing will agree with the “Black Mirror” project.

In a word, we, and especially our descendants, will enjoy a very happy life. In place of the general unbridled, like a bitter medicine, will come the severity. Of course, this project is extremely discipline citizens in general. Well, especially malicious gangsters, it seems, will migrate to those structures that hold the system itself, as well as to the authorities that are inviolable for its eye. The system will probably bring corruption to absurd heights - I find it difficult to predict, there are many nuances.

The “black mirror” will bring discipline and caution, but it will do little to help the development of a universal understanding. The only thing that can get rid of the “Black Mirror” is an increase in true mutual understanding and cohesion. It is possible that people, calmed by an all-seeing system and freed from some distrust, from fear of each other, will become more open; Perhaps they will direct the energy, which is uselessly spent on harm, into a creative channel - but in any case, the pill will be bitter.

What prevents to stop being afraid right now? You can calm down now and show self-restraint - after all, the restriction will come anyway. And you can start to be honest and open right now, because very soon you will be in full view, and you won't have much to lose now. If there are no telepaths capable of reading your thoughts - make them open yourself, and if there are no honest people left on earth - be it yourself, at least one will appear.

Well, somehow, once the mirror sky will be built.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54829/

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