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Note to webmaster: “Overclock” the TITLE tag

Sometimes it happens that users forget to change the keyboard layout before entering the site address in the address bar. And it turns out instead of www.sitename a classic tststsu ... Now browsers already when entering the first letters of the address begin to prompt the user, automatically substituting the websites visited , starting or containing the typed combination of letters in the address. And some even search for the headers of visited sites.

This is where you can help the user by setting the address of your web site already typed in the wrong layout on your website in the <title> tag!

I will explain in the picture:

For example, I want to go to the once visited site alfsoft.ru. I'm starting to enter the address: fda ... Oh, damn it! Again, the wrong layout. But! Thanks to the care of the webmaster of the site, who wrote in the headline FADISKYEUKG (ALFSOFT.RU in another layout), my browser found in the history of visits this heading containing " fda ". Easy and convenient!
I don’t think I discovered America. Simply, while the plugin that automatically enters the Latin alphabet when the keyboard layout is incorrect, is not compatible with the beta version of Firefox, I thought it was quite interesting and already implemented on my website :)

PS: tsstsurfikfrfikukg!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54777/

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