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FBI assesses US cybercrime damage

Summing up the results of 2006, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) noted a decrease in the number of cybercrime. That would be good news if a clarification were not to follow: the damage from them turned out to be higher than that inflicted a year earlier. During the reporting period, the ministry received 2,075 thousand applications from victims, which is 10.4% less than in 2005. But if in 2005 the total damage amounted to $ 183.1 million, in 2006 it was estimated at $ 198.4 million.

These indicators are followed by others, from which it follows that the victim of cybercriminals in the United States lost an average of $ 724. However, in 40% of cases, the size of the losses exceeded $ 100 thousand. At the same time, online auctions continue to be the favorite places of fraudsters. In their “territory” more than 44% of thefts are committed under a typical scheme: a fee is charged, but the goods are not sent.

Judging by IC3 statistics, the so-called “Nigerian letters” are still effective. This type of fraud, despite its one and a half decade of history, causes the greatest damage to users. The bait in this method is the pitiful history of some Nigerian nobleman who is forced to ask to transfer his considerable funds to foreign accounts. As a reward, an honest divide is offered. Having pulled a certain amount out of the “client” to solve the “organizational issues” (it should be fully compensated for the promised fee), the fraudsters disappear without a trace. In 2006, the average victim lost $ 5.1 thousand, according to the Washington Profile . The leaders are also frauds with checks ($ 3.7 thousand per victim) and fictitious investments (slightly less than $ 2.7 thousand).
In America, the attackers in 75% of cases - the Americans. Among the rest, there is a large share of representatives from Great Britain, Nigeria, Canada, Romania, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, and South Africa. Russian criminals among the "foreigners" make up the eighth largest group - they account for 1.1% of the crimes committed.

The portrait of the victim, oddly enough, is this: an educated man aged 30-50 years. Such were conducted on fraud more often. The average loss of men is estimated at $ 920, women - $ 544.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5477/

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